Monday, November 2, 2009

San Joaquin River Club -- Tracy, California

The San Joaquin River Club, Inc., a California Nonprofit Corporation is a 1000 member proprietary private Club located in the geographical center of the San Joaquin Valley. It is located in Tracy, California.

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With its 3 lakes and its location on the edge of the San Joaquin River, it is the home to many forms of wildlife who share its beauty.
Ducks and Geese inhabit all of the lakes.
From the circling Red-Tail Hawks riding the wind currents overhead; from the Kit Fox, the Beavers, known to be living along the river, the Opossum and Raccoon families, we see daily the Blue Herons, Egrets and Cranes fishing the lakes.
Who can not appreciate the beauty of the Canadian Long Neck Honkers who stop at our lakes as they rest during their migration South and North during the different seasons of the year.
We see them have their babies, we see them keep the babies away from the coyotes, and we see them teach those young chicks how to fly before they continued on their way.
Hundreds of White Pelicans stop by here on their migration. Yes, even the Coyotes use the area as a hunting ground for breakfast; this area is virtually teeming with wildlife that live and hunt this area in harmony with those of us who enjoy our beautiful club.

The Corporation was organized in 1939 not for pecuniary profit, but for specific and primary purposes of leasing, purchasing, acquiring owning, and holding land upon which the members may build, construct, and erect homes, buildings, and improvements for the purpose of rural residence.

Many activities and social events are held in our beautiful Clubhouse.

The Sunday Brunches put on by the Office Staff. Weekly Bingo and Wednesday Niters potluck dinners. Holiday festivities, including St. Patrick’s Dinner, Halloween party, New Years Eve gala, are scheduled for every major holiday. Most include music for dancing after the dinner. At some of these parties the entertainment is put on by our own “SJRC Players”.And all the proceeds are used to purchase needed items for our Club.
The Galley Bar and Grill puts out great meals at great prices every Friday and Saturday. Members can be a guest chef and present their specialty to a hungry crowd.

One of the benefits of becoming a member ........ our Campground

And the large picnic area with bbq and playground.....................

The GroundsPictures of the beauty of our "neighborhood" ...................

Lakeside Chapel …... our interdenominational chapel.

The membership of this Corporation shall be only those entitled to such membership as provided in these By-Laws; which member shall acquire or hold such membership only under the conditions, restrictions, limitations, and provisions of the By-Laws and rules and orders of this Corporation.

In order to become a member, you have to be sponsored by people that are already members in good standing and you go before the Membership Committee to be approved.

One morning, we were treated to the sight of 50 or more great white egrets, and a whole battalion of pelicans. What a difference in their social structure. The egrets take a stand ...... each alone......along the shore of the lake and then proceed to fight each other for the premium spot. Most of their time is spent arranging themselves, staking out territories and then checking out the next guy's spot, using all their energy for nothing. There is very little time left for feeding. The pelicans, on the other hand, work together in a group, forming a line, herding their prey ahead of them and then benefiting from the group effort, gliding and swooping in a broad band down the length of the lake, enjoying their feast together. So, ask yourself this --- Are you an egret or a pelican?-- "Stitch"